I love New Look. I always have done ever since I had my own money. It's affordable, fashionable and it's just a great place to shop. What's good about New Look for me personally is that I can fit into their kids/teens range which goes up to 15. Some of their stuff is quite big and it's cheaper, always a bonus!
Here are a few things I bought.
I am always buying slippers. I usually get mine from Primark and pay like £3 for a pair. These ones are so soft and cute. They came in a range of different colours but I prefered the mole colour :)
I never thought I'd buy a onesie. I always thought they looked ridiculous and just down right stupid. I wanted to see what the fuss was about and decided to try this one on. Oh hell, I fell in love and had to buy it. It's obviously too hot to wear at the moment but once the colder weather swoops in, this baby and I will be best buddies! It's super soft and considering I'm so short (5ft 3), I was expecting even the small to be too small. Infact, the feet are huge and I feel like a clown! The rest fits perfectly! <3
Just a plain and simple white sleeveless tee but with a tache!
awkward |
I adore this style of top. I always wanted to try one on and I had seen a few in Topshop. I then went into New Look and saw this one for only £8.99! Bargain! I love the way it makes my small frame have actual curves. It's so flattering and of course, it's burgundy!
I personally don't go into New Look enough! I love it!
Do you shop in New Look?

Love that peplum top! x