Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Fashion Favourites of 2012

A flashback for you!

I decided it was time for a new header. I wanted to fix my blog to make it look neater so I played around with a few designs and came up with the one above! It was made using GIMP which is a photo editing software (free to download) and it's super simple to use. I was a bit rusty so I decided to have a little peek on YouTube for various tutorials. Long and behold there I was with hundreds to choose from. Many hours and videos later, I had stumbled through many old pictures through out 2012 that I took. I wanted my header to feature either my face or my whole body and while looking I came across these beauties.

What are your favourite outfits out of 2012?


  1. I Love your Style hun! Lovin the First Photo with the Three Outfits. very stylish xx

    Great Blog hun

  2. LOVE the white peter pan blouse and the maroon cardigan, you look great! Also I'm SO jealous of your hair!


    1. I do love that cardi! Thanks! I hate it :( xx


Thank you for your time and making comments! I read every single comment and I shall reply as soon as I can! <3